10 Ways to Market Your School Fundraiser
How to promote your raise and why it’s so crucial to your success
You’ve chosen your campaign method and are ready to start your raise. Is there anything left to do besides sell, sell, sell? In fact, there is one crucial step left, possibly one of the most important steps to a successful fundraiser- you need to market your raise. Advertising your campaign matters, and today we discuss why, plus we share ten ways to market your school fundraiser.
Why Marketing Your Raise Matters
Why do marketing and advertising matter when it comes to fundraising? The answer is simpler than you think. People can’t participate if they don’t know you are campaigning! Marketing also piques people’s interest and is a great way to share the why- why their funds help your cause and just what that cause is in the first place.
10 Ways to Market Your School Fundraiser
Below we share ten ideas on how to market your next fundraiser. Try to use a combination of ideas to reach as many people as possible and boost your fundraising results. You can’t overdo it!
1. Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter- post about your campaigning efforts on any and all platforms you have. Ask teachers, community members, and local businesses to share your posts to reach a wider market. Posts can include text, photos, videos, and links to other important content. Include a direct and easy way for people to reach your campaign page and donate/purchase products.
2. Flyers
Flyers are a cheap and effective way to spread the news about your fundraiser. The only costs involved are printing and your time. Hang flyers in the school, on the street, and inside local supporting businesses. Include the school’s name, why you are raising, and how people can get involved. Bonus tip: perforate the bottom of the page so people can tear off tabs with information such as the website to donate, a number to text-to-give, or a barcode to scan on their phone.
3. Local Newspapers
Write a press release to share with your local newspaper. This option allows you to expand your description of the why behind your campaign. If possible, include an eye-catching photo with your listing.
4. Local Radio Stations
Running a live ad on a local radio station is a fun way to announce your raise. You can use the press release submitted to the local newspaper, but be sure to edit it to sound natural when read aloud. Radio ads can be exciting, funny, or heartfelt depending on the circumstance.
5. Newsletter Announcement
Does your school send a newsletter home to parents? How about community members, supporters, or alums? If so, dedicate a letter to announcing your fundraiser. Include a few words on how readers can help, and always express your gratitude for their ongoing support. For best results, include updates on your raise in future newsletters to ensure your supporters stay up-to-date and feel important and involved.
6. Send Letters Home
If your school doesn’t have a newsletter, sending letters home with students can be a great alternative. This can be in addition to the newsletter to ensure that every parent and family is reached. Pay attention to design and share your story and information about how to participate.
7. Involve Local Businesses
This method is akin to you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Ask local businesses to partner with you on your raise. The company advertises your campaign in exchange for your school advertising the business. This can be done through emails, hanging posters, or simply attaching the business’s name as a sponsor or supporter on all campaign advertising materials. A fun add-on to this method is distributing a coupon or free item voucher to the business for each donation made.
8. Direct Mail
Sending letters directly to parents, alum, supporters, and local businesses is another way to reach many potential donors. This gets a physical piece of marketing material into the hands of many, without having to rely on students to pass off the announcement or potential donors to open and read your email.
9. Public Figures and Town Officials
Ask public figures and town officials to get involved with your raise. This can be as simple as listing them as a supporter on your website, or as extravagant as having them speak at an event. Ask them to share any social media content on their pages for an extra boost in visibility.
10. Word of Mouth
Free, tried, and trusted, the tenth way to market your school fundraiser is by word of mouth. Get people talking and spreading the news. Want to spark conversations? Distribute stickers or social media banners supporters can post to tell others they donated to your cause.
Check out additional tips to help share your fundraiser with your community
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