How to Create a Buzz with Your School’s Candy Fundraiser

Big Fundraising Ideas
9 min readSep 10, 2024


How to Create a Buzz with Your School’s Candy Fundraiser

Blog Summary: Creating a buzz around your school’s candy fundraiser is essential for maximizing participation and sales. Start with a well-thought-out plan with clear goals, a timeline, and targeted promotional strategies. Engage students by hosting a poster designing competition to raise awareness and involve the community by contacting local organizations and media. Collaborate with local businesses to maximize your reach and credibility, and carefully estimate sales to ensure profitability. Timing your fundraiser around special dates and launching a solid marketing campaign will keep excitement high. Following these steps, you can turn your candy fundraiser into a successful and memorable event, benefiting your school and bringing the community together.

Creating a buzz around your school’s candy fundraiser is critical to maximizing participation and boosting sales. A well-executed candy fundraiser has the potential not only to meet but exceed your fundraising goals, benefiting everyone involved. With their universal appeal, candy bars are a simple yet effective way to engage students, parents, and the community.

However, generating excitement requires more than just selling candy bars. It’s about strategic planning, creative promotion, and involving as many people as possible. This guide has practical tips and strategies to help you create that essential buzz, ensuring your candy fundraiser stands out and achieves success.

Why Opt For Candy Fundraisers For School?

Candy fundraisers are popular for schools because they offer a simple, effective way to raise funds with broad appeal. Here’s what makes them appealing and popular for school fundraisers:

  • We all love candy bars, making them easy to sell to students, parents, and the broader community.
  • The low cost per item allows supporters to contribute without pressure, while schools can achieve significant profit margins through bulk purchases.
  • Candy fundraisers are straightforward to set up and manage, requiring minimal effort and storage space.
  • These fundraisers allow students to develop valuable teamwork, communication, and goal-setting skills.
  • Whether funding a class trip, new equipment, or school programs, candy fundraisers are reliable ways to meet financial objectives while fostering school spirit and community involvement.

Tips To Spread The Word About School’s Candy Fundraiser

Spreading the word is essential to making your school’s candy fundraiser successful. The more people who know about your fundraiser, the more support you’ll garner, leading to higher sales and better results. Below are some actionable tips to help you effectively promote your candy fundraiser and engage your school and community.

Chalk Out An Effective Plan

Before promoting your candy fundraiser, developing a detailed plan is essential. Start by setting clear goals for how much you aim to raise and how many participants you need. Identify your target audience, such as parents, local businesses, and community members, and determine the best ways to reach them.

Decide on a timeline for the fundraiser, including critical dates for launching promotions, distributing candy, and collecting sales. Assign roles to volunteers or student teams to ensure that every aspect of the fundraiser is covered. A fail-proof plan serves as the foundation for a successful campaign.

Poster Designing Competition

One creative way to generate excitement and awareness for your candy fundraiser is to host a poster-designing competition. Invite students to create eye-catching posters highlighting the fundraiser’s purpose and the types of candy available. Display these posters around the school, local businesses, and community bulletin boards.

Not only does this competition engage students, but it also adds a personal touch to your promotional efforts, making the fundraiser more relatable and fun. Consider offering small prizes for the best posters to encourage participation and creativity. This approach turns promotion into an engaging activity for the whole school.

Get The Community Involved

Involving the community is crucial for broadening the reach of your candy fundraiser. Contact local organizations, such as churches, clubs, and neighborhood associations, to inform them about your fundraiser and ask for their support. You can invite community members to a launch event or school assembly to learn more about the cause you’re supporting.

Engage local media by submitting a press release or reaching out for coverage in community newsletters. By making the community feel involved and appreciated, induce a shared purpose that motivates more people to contribute to your fundraising efforts.

Partnering With Local Businesses

Local businesses can be valuable allies in promoting your candy fundraiser. Approach nearby stores, cafes, and restaurants to see if they will display flyers or posters in their establishments. Some businesses may even agree to sell candy bars on your behalf, reaching customers you need direct access to. In return, they offer to promote their business within your school community or during fundraising events.

This partnership benefits both parties and helps strengthen the connection between your school and the local economy. Partnering with businesses also lends credibility to your fundraiser, making it more likely to attract support.

Estimate The Sale Value For Profit

To ensure a profitable candy fundraiser, you must estimate the potential sales value accurately. Start by calculating the candy’s cost, including any discounts for bulk orders. Then, set a realistic selling price that balances affordability with profitability.

Consider how many units each participant can reasonably sell and multiply this by the number of participants to estimate total sales. Don’t forget to account for any promotional costs, such as printing flyers or hosting events. By assessing the sale value in advance, you can set clear financial goals and make informed decisions to maximize your fundraiser’s success.

Marketing Campaign

A well-planned marketing campaign is crucial in spreading the word about your candy fundraiser. Use different channels, such as social media, email newsletters, and school websites, to reach out to target audiences. Create engaging content, such as photos of the candy, testimonials from previous fundraisers, and countdowns to critical dates.

Encourage students and parents to share posts and updates to amplify your reach. To generate initial excitement and build momentum, consider hosting a kickoff event or virtual campaign. Regularly update your community on the progress and send reminders of upcoming deadlines to keep engagement high. Consistent, creative marketing will ensure your fundraiser stays at the top of your mind.

Choosing the Right Candies

Selecting a variety of popular candies is critical to a successful fundraiser. Consider offering chocolate bars, gummies, lollipops, and caramel treats to appeal to different tastes. Mixing flavors and price points can attract a broader audience and boost sales.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Items For Candy Fundraisers

  • Popularity: Choose candies that are well-loved and widely recognized, as they’re more likely to sell quickly. Classic favorites like chocolate bars and gummy candies often perform best in fundraisers.
  • Profit Margin: Opt for candies with a higher profit margin to ensure your school raises the maximum amount possible. Compare costs versus selling prices to determine the best options.
  • Shelf Life: Select items with a long shelf life to avoid any losses from expired products, which allows you more time to sell without the pressure of quick turnover.
  • Portability: Ensure candies are easy to carry and store, making them convenient for sellers and buyers alike. Compact packaging also helps reduce logistical issues.
  • Dietary Preferences: Include options for dietary restrictions, such as sugar-free or allergen-free candies, which will broaden your customer base and make it inclusive.

Do Not Buy Excess Items

When planning a candy fundraiser, it’s important to avoid purchasing excess inventory. Overbuying can lead to unsold items, which reduces your overall profit and can create storage issues. Begin by estimating the number of potential buyers and set realistic sales goals based on previous fundraisers or similar events.

Consider starting with a smaller order and restocking as needed to meet demand. This approach minimizes waste and ensures you don’t have leftover products. Effective planning and careful purchasing will help maximize profits while keeping your fundraiser lean and efficient.

Organize On Special Dates

Timing your candy fundraiser around special dates can significantly boost sales. Organizing the event near holidays like Halloween, Valentine’s Day, or Easter can tap into the festive spirit, making selling candies as gifts or treats easier. Additionally, consider launching the fundraiser during school events, such as sports games, parent-teacher conferences, or fairs, where there’s already a captive audience.

Aligning your fundraiser with these dates increases visibility and the likelihood of impulse buys. Strategic timing can maximize the success rate of your candy fundraiser by aligning with moments when people are more inclined to indulge.

Wrapping Up

By following these tips and strategies, your school’s candy fundraiser can become a standout success, bringing in significant funds while engaging the entire community. From carefully selecting popular candies to timing your event around special dates, every detail contributes to the overall impact of your efforts. Effective planning and promotion are crucial to maximizing profits and making your fundraiser enjoyable for everyone involved.

If you’re ready to take your school’s fundraising to the next level, Big Fundraising Ideas is here to help. Check out our wide range of fundraising products and expert support to ensure your next event is a hit!


  1. What types of candies do best at fundraisers? The best-selling candies for fundraisers are often popular, recognizable brands with broad appeal. Chocolate bars, gummy bears, lollipops, and caramel treats are favorites because they cater to different tastes and are easy to sell. It’s also wise to include various options to accommodate different preferences, such as sugar-free or allergen-free choices. Candies with individual packaging are convenient for on-the-go snacking, which can drive impulse buys. Ultimately, offering a mix of well-known and diverse candy options increases your chances of satisfying a wider audience and boosting overall sales.
  2. How do you finance candy fundraisers at school? Financing a candy fundraiser can be done through a few strategic steps. Start by setting a budget for purchasing the candy, promotional materials, and additional expenses. Schools often use seed money from previous fundraisers or allocate funds from a general budget to get started. Alternatively, some suppliers offer candy on consignment, allowing you to pay after sales and reducing upfront costs. To further minimize financial risk, consider pre-selling candy to gauge interest and secure funds before placing large orders. Proper planning ensures your fundraiser is financially sustainable and profitable.
  3. Why are candy fundraisers popular for school events? Candy fundraisers are popular for school events due to their simplicity, affordability, and broad appeal. Candy is universally loved, making it easy to sell to students, parents, and the wider community. The low price per item encourages more people to participate without financial strain, while schools can achieve significant profits through bulk purchasing. Additionally, candy fundraisers are easy to organize and require minimal logistical effort, making them accessible for schools of all sizes. The straightforward nature and instant gratification of candy sales make them a go-to option for raising funds quickly and effectively.
  4. Can you use social media to promote school candy fundraisers? Groups can promote school candy fundraisers through social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow users to connect with a broad audience quickly and cheaply. Create engaging posts with images of the candies, share stories about the fundraiser’s purpose, and encourage students, parents, and teachers to share the content. You can also create event pages, run countdowns, and offer special promotions to keep excitement high. Using hashtags and tagging local businesses or community groups can further expand your reach. Social media amplifies your message, making spreading the word and driving participation easier.
  5. How do you make your school fundraisers viral? To make your school fundraiser go viral, try creating shareable, engaging content that will be relevant to your audience. Use compelling visuals, like videos or eye-catching graphics, to highlight your cause. Tap into emotions by telling stories about the fundraiser’s impact on the school or community. Encourage students and parents to share posts and create challenges or incentives, like offering prizes for the most shares or sales. Collaborate with local influencers or businesses to broaden your reach. Timing is also crucial-align your campaign with popular events or trends to increase visibility. Consistency and creativity are vital to achieving viral success.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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