Top 10 School Fundraising Blogs of 2023
A review of the best-shared information to help your school raise funds in 2024.
Every year seems to fly by faster than the last, and 2023 was no exception. We hope you had a successful year of fundraising and are excited to begin preparations for 2024’s campaigns. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten school fundraising blog posts of 2023 shared with you by Big Fundraising Ideas. Let’s take a look.
Top Ten School Fundraising Blog Posts
The following are the ten most informative blog posts shared in 2023, including topics such as fundraising ideas, stories, and incentives.
1. School Fundraising: How Thinking Like a Nonprofit Can Boost Your Wins
This blog post teaches schools how to use nonprofit fundraising best practices for campaigning preparations. Some steps outlined include creating a project plan, formalizing a budget, and tapping into your network.
2. The 12 Do’s and Don’ts of Fundraising for Schools
We share six important dos and don’ts to consider for fundraising success. Incentivize participants, and don’t forget to set a fundraising goal. Read here to learn more.
3. Ten Creative Fundraising Ideas for Schools That Will Excite Students and Parents
Student and parent participation is critical to fundraising success. This blog shares fundraising ideas that are unique and exciting to rope your participants in! Ideas include tumbler fundraisers, jerky sales, and more. View all ten and learn how to reach and exceed your goals.
4. Top Fundraising Prize Program Ideas for Schools
As mentioned before, student participation is vital. In addition to exciting them by picking a fun, unique fundraiser, you can encourage participation with a prize incentive program. BFI offers a variety of prize programs ranging from catalog items to school parties and events. Learn about top fundraising prize ideas and make selling fun!
5. School Fundraising: Getting Parents Fully on Board
Once you have an exciting fundraiser selected to excite participants and have incentivized your students to participate, it’s time to get the parents on board fully, share the why, make the ‘how’ clear, use peer influence to your advantage, and show gratitude. Discover how to do this in our parent-focused fundraising blog post.
6. Anatomy of an Inspiring Impact Story that Boosts Donations
You gain donors by making them care; to care, they must know your story. This blog post teaches us how to write an inspiring fundraising story that cultivates support. Get the complete anatomy and inspire others to want to support your cause.
7. Volunteer Management: A Mini Guide for School Groups
Volunteers are helpful to fundraisers in many ways. They help run events, make donor calls, and may even sit on the fundraising committee. Effectively managing volunteers is a skill that can make or break your campaign. Make fundraising easy by reviewing our mini guide for volunteer management.
8. Fun and Easy Fundraising Ideas for Kids of All Ages
It’s important to consider age groups when planning a school fundraiser. You won’t choose the same campaign for a 1st-grade classroom as you would for a 9th-grade classroom. This blog post spans the ages, providing fun and easy ideas for each group. Get inspired here.
9. PTA Fundraising: What It Is and Why It Works
Please don’t leave your school’s PTA out when it comes to fundraising! Learn more about how PTA fundraising works.
10. Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Your School’s Fundraising Campaign
Planning and executing a fundraiser is not an easy task. It takes time, knowledge, and experience to do it successfully. Outsourcing your fundraiser takes the pressure off you while significantly increasing your chances of reaching or surpassing your goal. Learn more about outsourcing your school fundraiser here.
Still haven’t found the blog post you’re searching for? Here are a few more to consider for your school fundraising needs.
Can Philanthropy and School Fundraising Be Combined?
The answer is a definitive yes. Learn more about combining philanthropy and school fundraising in our blog post: Philanthropic Fundraisers for Schools.
Are there Environmentally-Focused Fundraisers?
People care more about the environment today than ever, for good reason. An environmentally focused fundraiser both helps a global cause and encourages people to participate in your cause. Learn more about it in our blog post: 3 Top Environmentally Focused Fundraisers.
Can Universities Fundraise Too?
Any organization, college and university included, can take steps to raise funds. We share many blog posts with university fundraising ideas and tips on our blog. We suggest starting with our post: 3 Steps to Successful College Fundraising.
After brushing up on last year’s blog posts, subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to learn more fundraising tips, best practices, and advice.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.
Originally published at